Home » Activities » Stand Up Paddle
The numbers of fans of this sport continue to grow: standing upright and travelling through the Gardon gorges, they thoroughly enjoy themselves, while also getting fit.
So what is this activity? Paddle boarding!
‘not really’. People talk about it making a bit of a comeback during the 2000s on the beaches of Waikiki, having been showcased by famous surfers such as Laird Hamilton and Dave Kalama. But it can’t really be called a ‘come back’ when it has such a long history full of magic and mystery…
In Polynesia, ever since time began, rulers of local tribes have practised this sacred art of communing with marine deities. Perched atop wooden planks, they rode the waves standing upright, with just a long paddle to assist them. You could say that they walked on water, earning themselves a divine – and royal – reputation. Much later, in 1940s Hawaii, the Beach Boys decided to ditch using a paddle and try something that would become known as surfing.